
May 08, 2010

The Interns

Hey all!
So as many of you know, I went to Nashville for a photography internship this past month (april).  It was put on by the fabulous Sarah Barlow, and let me tell you, it was wonderful!  There were three other interns (introductions below), and they were all SUPER awesome (like intimidating awesome!) photographers!  They were all so sweet, and amazing to learn with.  So without boring you with more letters put into word form, let me provide you with official introductions!
Sarah Barlow!
Sarah is the creator of The Interns and she basically lets us live in her house and she pours into us for 6 days of intense learning and fun.  She taught me so much, and we had fun the WHOLE time!  Interning with her was definitely the best thing ever!   She is so talented and was able to pass on her skills and knowledge to all of us interns.  She was great with the models and really showed us how to interact with our clients, as well as just having fun with them!  Sarah is a great teacher, photographer and just in general an awesome person.  Thanks so much Sarah, and may God bless you for living out your gifts and passing them on to others! 
Jazz! (actually, she's not an intern...)
I cannot mention Sarah without saying nothing about her awesome friends as well!  Jazz, well she was....SO GREAT!  She would just randomly pop in and say hey, and when we needed a model she took on the job with the absolute BEST fake laugh ever!  All of Sarah's friends rocked and were all very talented.  They all seemed to do something related to art, whether it be music, photography, modeling, and everything in between.  They were all so beautiful too!  :)
Shannon Morse!  
She is so fabulous!  Not only does she have wonderful style (I love the look she is taking on for her business), but she also has an amazing eye for photography.
It was funny how Shannon was quiet(ish) at the beginning of the internship and then by the end she was a crazy person! :) I loved getting to know Shannon and can't wait to see how far she goes with her photography.  
Love you Shannon!
She was the very first intern that I met, which was very cool because we both learned about The Interns the same way...through BarlowGirl and through basically stalking Sarah (we love you Sarah!).  Kay is a super sweet girl and I had so much fun learning with her and from her.  She is a great photographer and she's only 16 (like me...except WAY better!).   
Love you Kay!
Oh goodness....Where to begin!  I think I could write a novel about all the funny and crazy things that Kristen did in the Ville.  We recorded a song called are you was all her every time I here someone say, "Are you serious" I cannot help but crack a grin!  Oh and we had fun singing Demi Lovato and The Jo Bros together....yea....On a more "serious" note Kristen is a wonderful photographer!  She is so great with the clients and has a great business already up and thriving.  She has been a great help to me and I just have to say thanks!
Love you Kristen!
Hanging out after Starbucks and Sweet Ce Ce's 
We were hummus addicts!  We ate at least one package of hummus a day, then we would buy a new one and it would be gone in ten minutes!  
Kristen and Sarah drinking apple cider vinegar tea.  Yum.  Not. :)
Sarah's Place, so beautiful!

Well thanks for spending time looking at my blog.  Have a fabulous day and live it out to the full!


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