
August 31, 2010


  So many of you may know that I LOVE tea, and by love I mean that I cannot go a day without drinking at least one cup of it!  And some of you may also know that I started college classes yesterday, and with starting college classes my schedule has changed drasticly!  I started yesterday trying my best not to be nervous, and survived decently, but then began today in total dissaray.  You see I am also a perfectionest and I like to know what I am doing when and how I will get there etc.  So as I was basicly feeling out of control my wonderful mommy brought me a cup of tea and I was instantly reminded of the little things that God has placed in my life to bless me.  He blessed me with a mom that knows what I needed this afternoon, and that was a good cup of tea.  That one cup of tea was a small comfort amidst the chaos that was swirling around me.  
  As I sipped my tea I began reading some of my friends blogs as often times they are very encouraging and God speaks in great ways through them.  I started by reading my friend/'photography mentor's blog and just kept reading until I got to a post about discipline.  In the post she talks about how her life, at that point, seemed to be getting more and more "cluttered" in various aspects.  Because her office, bedroom, and life in general were getting more cluttered and disorganized it was hard to function. She then brings up that, THAT is why we want and need discipline.  
  So we need discipline because without it our lives become cluttered, how do we start? A SMALL STEP AT A TIME!  Don't try to take on the whole world at once!  
  Here is a quick look at how I will be applying discipline to my schedule:

1-I need to trust God amidst chaos.
   God is my "tea" and He will calm me and provide a way to stand up against whatever my befall me. 
   All I must do is trust and abide in Him.

2-I need to use the mind He gave me to discipline myself and plan out what I need to accomplish.
   God has made me the way I am for a reason and I need to use my organizational mind along with discipline to plan out a schedule that will provide enough time for each task to be completed.

3-I need to stick to a schedule.
   I work best with a schedule and a list of what needs to be done (as mentioned above), so as I plan out a schedule I need to follow it.

4-Run, Run, Run after God!
   Ultimately I need to run after God with all that I am and become more like Him even in the changes and chaos of life which will in time become beauty.

So now, I am going to go study, as well as drink a bit more tea!  :)

Behold, now is the favorable time;
Behold, now is the day of salvation.
2 Corinthians 6:2

God Bless,


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing this... I TOTALLY agree and feel the same way. By the way... you're awesome. :)

