
May 15, 2010

Burning Buses

Hello everyone!
 Ok, so you are probably wondering why in the world this post is labeled "burning buses"?  Well, you see on Monday I did a fabulous model shoot with the lovely Angie Mueller.  Our amazing friends/adopted grandparents, Ed and Myrt Anderson were gracious enough to let us use their field and old barns.  They, odd though it may be, use an old bus type vehicle to burn their trash in!  It is super unique and I could not help but label the session after that cool piece of art as well as using it in the shoot. I have to give Angie TONS of credit for being totally willing to work with me and some of my crazy ideas for this session...standing on top of a bus burn barrel that could cave in, and having to look cool at the same time...well get the picture.  :)  We had an awesome time carting around little treasures and using them to create a vintage, hippie style shoot and I hope you enjoy the shots and get a glimpse of how much fun we had!
That has to be one of my personal favorites!  
Love this one too!
Ok so this trunk...well there is actually only half of this trunk!  The other half is burned off!  So cool!

Super retro chairs!  Love it!
This last one is also a huge favorite of mine...not sure why, but I love it so much...

  As a last note I just want to bring in a thought of mine.  If Angie and I, two teenagers, were able to take this old bus burn barrel and use it for something cool and creative, after it has been sitting there rotting for who knows how long, just think about what God wants to do with us and our lives if we just give Him the chance.  We sit around just enjoying our comfort and "rotting" away, but if we open up and are willing to fight God could use us for something amazing and He could use us to change lives.
Just a thought, not very thorough or complete, but it's a simple reflection.

Have an awesome rest of the weekend and I hope these photos inspire you to be creative with "junk" and use awesome stuff like bus burn barrels for something special. ;)

Love Ya'll,


1 comment:

  1. Awesome shoot Meg! I can't believe you can find such amazing stuff in a random field! I love that lost shot as well :)
