
October 30, 2010

Tosha - An Autumn Fashion Shoot

Hey All! 
Sorry I am such a horrid blogger!  Goodness, I need to keep up with things!  I seem to always have blog posts in the making, I just never seem to finish them!  Anyway, today's post is all about Tosha!  She is a beautiful aspiring model, and let me tell you her session was so fun!  She even took off her boots and went into Lake Michigan just for some cool photos!  We had a great time, and I have a ton of great photos to show ya'll, so here they are!!
Enjoy them, and then go out and do something crazy yourself!  ;)

This was my first session with my new ShootSac (AMAZING!), so be prepared for an upcoming blog post all about my ShootSac!

Have a lovely day!

God Bless,


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