
March 25, 2012

// Poster Design: Lydia Love //

 Hey All!
So just about a month ago I released the fantastic Lydia Love's portrait shoot (HERE), and now I'm pumped to show you her senior recital poster design!  This was a bit of a challenge as Lydia likes bright colors, and I am a very muted color person (the brightest color I wear is orange...that's pretty much it.).  However, it was great fun to create!  I played some fun music, messed around with color, and did my best to jump into Lydia's head!  :)  It was a good switch up for me! 

Check out the images on Facebook and give Lydia some FB love (HERE)!  I love seeing the comments you all have!  It's so fun and really provides great inspiration and encouragement!  I hope you all have a great week!

//©2012Megs Colleen//

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