
November 04, 2010

My ShootSac - She's So Beautiful!

Hey All!
Ok so many of you may not know what a 'ShootSac' is, but after this YOU WILL!  :)
Basically it is one of the BEST camera bags invented.  It is not for carrying your gear everywhere, just for when you shoot.  It carries three lenses, extra camera cards, batteries, etc.  It is lightweight and it ultimately changes the entire shooting process by making lens changes SO much easier!! Also (another fav of mine), is the fact that you can get all kinds of stylish covers, so you can not only be the best photographer around, but the most stylish as well!  Haha, love it!  
  Here the shots! 

Sorry I didn't take more shots of me with it...but oh well, now you can hire me and get to see plenty of that!  ;)  
  I hope you all have a wonderful day, and spend these last days of fall outside as much as possible!  Go jump in a leaf pile!  

God Bless,


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