
October 04, 2010

St. Paul - A Road Trip

Hey Everyone!
So a few weeks back I went to St. Paul MN and met up with some of my friends from Lake Lundgren Bible Camp (along with bringing one friend with!).  For those of you that don't know, I work at this camp during the summer on the Summer Staff Team (SST).  I basically do all kinds of odd jobs from cleaning toilets to editing stuff!  I love being out there and it is fantastic to see God's hand at work there!  
  So anyway, about St. Paul, we had so much fun!!  We had so many adventures in such a short time!  At one point four of us girl's were driving around in a van looking for a St. Vinnie's and we could not find one anywhere!  We searched on the GPS (Tom-Tom), but that lead us to a pretty sketchy little strip mall....with no Goodwill or St. Vinnie's....So we finally stopped at a grocery store and asked a worker where a St. Vinnie's was (conveniently his name was Tom), he did not know what a St. Vinnie's was, or a Goodwill!  Ok so new lesson learned: There are no Goodwill's or St. Vinnie's in St. Paul.  That is such a sad truth....but yup, that is just one of many adventures along the way!
 So now on to the photos!  I took a bunch of shots from the trip, though I did not get photos of all the all the awesome people there...sad...very sad....but I did get some pretty entertaining photos and I thought you all would LOVE to see them, so here's a few!  Haha, enjoy!

To the St. Paul crew, and Becca: I love you all and I'm so glad we got to hang out!!  I will be praying for you!

I hope this post made you all smile!  It did me!
Have an amazing day and week!


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