
March 12, 2012

|| St Paul ||

Over the past couple of years, my awesome sister Cari, my rad friend Becca, and myself, have taken this annual road trip St. Paul to visit our friends there.  This year our planning caused us to miss some of our friends (silly spring break), but we still managed to get into trouble (including getting the car towed) and cause bystanders to stare (giant rabbit!!??).  Here are a few shots from the weekend (narration included)! 

In order from top to bottom:  Becca Edwards, Hannah Love, Cari (my sister), and Me (Becca did a lovely job hijacking my camera!  Thanks Becca!)!

And now, our various other photos...

With that, I hope my friends and I don't scare you too much, but you know, at least we're honest!  Check out a couple more images on facebook HERE!  And please leave comments!  I'd love to here what you all did, or are planning on doing for you spring break! 

Have a super start to the week! 

//©2012Megs Colleen//

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