
January 03, 2011

Fuzzy Socks, Star Wars PJ Pants, And A Friend's Stolen Sweatshirt...

Hello Friends,
If you haven't heard....I am sick...sick, sick, sick...and the semester starts next week...and I have so much to do!!!  Due to being sick all day yesterday I wondered around in fuzzy socks, my Star Wars PJ pants from the boys section of Wall-Mart, and a sweatshirt that I stole from my wonderful friend Courtney.  Thankfully I was well enough to document my fantastic attire so you all can see how stylish I can be!  Ha!  Who should you blame for my amazing sense of style.....a Flu-Cold!  If I could write a letter to this fashionista of a Flu-Cold, I would say:

Dear Flu-Cold,
Why did you decide to come and visit me now?  I try to be as hospitable as I can, but really, couldn't you have just gone someplace else?  Now you have been here 2 days already, and your invitation is wearing thin (not that there was an invitation in the first place), so I would strictly advise you to move along.  If you do not you will continue having to war against vitamins, apple cider vinegar tea, and various other concoctions that my mom creates.   
Thus being said, I now ask you to leave.



Ok, so on with my real blog post.  I have been working on updating Megs Colleen as a whole!  The website, the blog, the Facebook page, and everything else in between.  There is much left to accomplish, but bits and pieces of my visions are slowly falling into place.  
Please stop by my site HERE and let me know what you think of the new layout.  I NEED you opinion on how the site flows, and works with your browser.  Thanks so much!
I hope you all enjoyed my scatter-brained blog post of a stylish sickie!
Drink lots of herbal tea, and don't get sick!

God Bless,


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